Norovirus and Pathogenic Cleanse


Scalar Light is the divine manifestation of God, the Creative Strength of the Almighty. As a primal energy, Scalar Light is created and governed by God and thus serves as the animating force of the universe. All spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical action receives its intelligence from Scalar Light. Thus, Scalar Light creates and governs all action in the universe. Furthermore, Scalar Light is the cause of time and space and thus transcends time and space. Therefore, there are no obstacles or events that can impede or obstruct Scalar Light as the Creative Strength of God is the supreme force. Scalar Light is the non-physical Omnipresence of God sometimes referred to as Christ-consciousness.

The Sun of the solar system as well as the stars serve as the “storehouses” of Scalar Light. As a first principle, Scalar Light is the initial energy of the universe thereby serving as the perpetual, perfect paradigm of order. Therefrom, Scalar Light will convert into electromagnetic energy in many environments resulting in entropy which is an imperfect paradigm of disorder. Succinctly, Scalar Energy is perfect and eternal energy; whereas, electromagnetic energy is a derivative of Scalar Energy that is imperfect and subject to entropy. There are two (2) dimensions in the universe: Scalar Energy and electromagnetic energy. Each dimension is subject to laws and principles that are distinct and unique.

Scalar Light is infinite as this divine Essence can not be measured, hence, only the effect of Scalar Light can be observed. Scalar Light instruments have been developed that are able to harness and control Scalar Light thereby affording a degree of control or dominion over nature. In specific, a Scalar Light instrument is able to identify and negate the molecular intelligence of a pathogen. The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse is an application of Scalar Light that affords a degree of control or dominion over pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoan. In practice, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse is able to identify the molecular intelligence of a pathogen embedded upon a photograph of a person, animal, plant or object. Subsequently, the correct administration of Scalar Light will negate the molecular intelligence of any pathogen identified upon the photograph of that person. In short, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse affords a degree of control or dominion over viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoan within the Scalar Light dimension.

The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse is able to identify and negate the norovirus, a highly contagious virus that causes vomiting and diarrhea. The norovirus possesses a unique Scalar Light molecular intelligence that can be identified and negated by way of the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse. Below are facts regarding the transmission and symptoms associated with the norovirus.


Norovirus destroyed by scalar light


Facts Regarding the Transmission and Symptoms Associated with the Norovirus


1) The norovirus is considered the most common cause of acute gastroenteritis. The norovirus can be transmitted from person-to-person, eating or drinking contaminated food or drink, touching objects contaminated by the norovirus,

2) The symptoms of norovirus are vomiting, fever, cramp-like stomach pain, nausea, muscle aches, headache and dehydration.

3) The norovirus is highly contagious and frequently occurs in crowded environments such as schools, hospitals, child care groups, cruise ships and office complexes.

4) The norovirus is sometimes referred to as the winter vomiting disease. The infection is sometimes mistaken for the stomach flu.

The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse is able to identify and negate the molecular intelligence of the norovirus. Below is the step-by-step protocol observed in order to identify the norovirus upon the photograph of a person and negate its molecular intelligence by way of a Scalar Light instrument. It is crucial to understand that any pathogen, including the norovirus, can be distinguished by the Scalar Light force field unique to its existence. Subsequently, the negation of the norovirus force field reduces this pathogen to a state of chaos. Thereafter, the norovirus ceases to exist and can not pose a threat to human, quantum health.


Step-By-Step Protocol Observed by the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse to Identify the Norovirus Upon the Photograph of a Person and Negate Its Molecular Intelligence


Scalar light pathogenic cleanse with Norovirus


1) A photograph of a person is placed inside the Scalar Light instrument. In so doing, Scalar Light is administered to the quantum force field embodied upon the photograph of the person. A photograph of a person represents their bi-located quantum version.

2) A magnified photograph of the norovirus is likewise placed inside the Scalar Light instrument adjacent to the photograph of the person.

3) Subsequently, there is a Scalar Light communication between the photograph of the person and the magnified photograph of the norovirus. This communication will serve to identify and negate the molecular intelligence of the norovirus resulting in a state of chaos. That is, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse will serve to reduce the norovirus to a state of chaos. As a result, the norovirus ceases to exist.

In summation, The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse is able to identify and negate the molecular intelligence of the norovirus thereby reducing the virus to a state of chaos. Every pathogen possesses a unique Scalar Light signature that can be identified and negated by the administration of the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse. Scalar Light is a new and emerging science that can identify and negate pathogenic or toxic force fields embedded upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. All Scalar Light sessions impart divine, non-physical intelligence upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Therefore, it is impossible to experience a biochemical reaction. The photograph of a person represents their bilocated Scalar Light version. Subsequently, a photograph of a person reports their spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical constitution in real time.

Scalar Light is a new and emerging science and thus the terms, words, descriptions, theories, test results, Scalar Light sessions, diagnostic test results, testimonies, etc. reflect the body of evidence of the new branch of physics, Scalar Light. The terms and expressions utilized to describe Scalar Light action do not have a linguistic equivalent to any other scientific discipline or teaching. All action in a Scalar Light dimension is distinct as compared to the action of the electromagnetic energy dimension.

May God grant you excellent health. Thank you.